Tag: Georgia

Analysis of National HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Guidelines in Seven Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Armenia,…

Аналитический документ по декриминализации людей, которые употребляют наркотики

Analysis of national protocols for HIV testing service delivery in 7 countries of Eastern Europe and Central…

Analysis of national protocols for HIV testing service delivery

Guide for Contingency Planning for Key Population HIV Services during COVID-19 and Other Emergencies for Georgia

COVID-19 და სხვა საგანგებო შემთხვევების დროს მაღალი რისკ ჯგუფებისთვის აივ-ის სერვისების საგანგებო დაგეგმვის გზამკვლევი საქართველოში

Trans*Operational research of Reaching New Clients from Trans*Community through Peer Driven Intervention in Tbilisi, Georgia Georgian Harm…

COVID-19 response and impact on HIV and TB services in the EECA region and the Balkans. Short…

COVID-19 response and impact on HIV and TB services in the EECA region and the Balkans. Detailed…

COVID-19 response and impact on HIV and TB services in the EECA region and the Balkans. Detailed…